
Memphis Limousines Pricing

At Memphis Limousine we understand the imminent costs limo bus or limousine could potential be off putting. We would like to assure you that it's not as bad as you may think and we are writing this to tell you why. In order to give you the most affordable rental cost available, we base our pricing in a large variety of factors. Although the prices of any limo or limo bus rental company aren't as affordable as anybody would like them to be, we must say that we do our best to keep our prices as affordable as possible without breaking the bank.

If the price quote that we give you is a bit too high for your liking or is simply out of your price range, don't worry. There are a few steps you may take to lower the over all cost of your limousine or limo bus. In general, the first tip is to avoid peak times. Peak times for any limousine company are generally spring to late summer. This is when prom season starts and moves on to summer time events and weddings.

Another factor in regards to pricing is the day of the week that you book your service. Sundays and Mondays are generally the most affordable with Fridays and Saturday evenings being the most expensive. Finally, another way to make a limo or limo bus rental more affordable is to divide the cost by the number of passengers. Simply put, a $600 limousine rental divide by 18 passengers is only $33. Now that is affordable!

The main things that we need to know in order to give you accurate pricing quotes are the following: What day you plan on using a limo or limo bus; The most amount of people that you anticipate being aboard our limo or limo bus; A very rough itinerary of what you'd like to do. All of the information previously mentioned helps us give you accurate pricing in which you can use to shop around or simply book right then and there. Unlike other price quotes you receive, ours will be all inclusive. Essentially this means that what you see is what you get. There will be no hidden fees, taxes, or additional charges when we arrive to pick you and your group up for the evening. We respect our clientele and we'd like our pricing to reflect that. So if you're ready, give us a call and let us give you the quote the you not only need but deserve.

For quotes:

  • Tell us the time and date: Date of your eventWhen we have the time and date that you need service we'll be able to narrow down our pricing.
  • Number of people: There's no sense in quoting an 8 passenger limo when you need a 22 passenger limo bus.
  • A rough itinerary: This allows us to feed the driver with the proper information, providing you with the most accurate quotes possible.
  • Any other special requests: Due to the nature of the business we cannot accommodate all requests but it never hurts to ask.

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